








2009. 09  2013. 07 湖南大学 本科

2016. 10  2017. 10 英国拉夫堡大学硕士

2017. 12  2022. 01 英国兰卡斯特大学 博士


2020. 04  2022. 05 英国兰卡斯特大学 高级研究助理

2022. 10 - 至今     太阳集团网址8722特任副教授


[1] Zhang, M., Gu, Z., Zhao, Y., Fu, Y., Kong, XQ. (2024). Compressive strength prediction of cement base under sulfate attack by machine learning approach. (2024). Case Studies in Construction Materials, 21, e03652.

[2] Zabihi, N., Gu, Z., Saafi, M. (2023). Crank shaft road electromagnetic road energy harvester for smart city applications. Applied Energy, 352, 122020. SCI一区TOP期刊

[3] Ding, X., Gu, Z., Hou, X., Xia, M., Ismail, Y., Ye, JQ. (2023). Effects of defects on the transverse mechanical response of unidirectional fibre-reinforced polymers: DEM simulation and deep learning prediction.

Composite Structures, 117301. SCI一区TOP期刊

[4] Gu, Z., Ding, X., Hou, X., & Ye, J*. (2023). A genetic evolved machine learning approach for 3D DEM modelling of anisotropic materials with full consideration of particulate interactions. Composites Part B: Engineering, 250, 110432. (SCI一区TOP期刊

[5] Zhao, J., Gu, Z.*, Yang, Q., Shao, J., Hou, X. (2023). Dynamic Finite Element Model Based on Timoshenko Beam Theory for Simulating High-Speed Nonlinear Helical Springs. Sensors, 23(7).

[6] Zhao, J., Li, J., Yang, Q., Wang, X., Ding, X., Peng, G., ... & Gu, Z.* (2023). A novel paradigm of flatness prediction and optimization for strip tandem cold rolling by cloud-edge collaboration. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 117947. SCI一区TOP期刊

[7] Wang, X. E., Kanani, A. Y., Gu, Z., Yang, J., Ye, J., & Hou, X.* (2023). Investigation on the transitional micromechanical response of hybrid composite adhesive joints by a novel adaptive DEM model. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 103760. 

[8] Wang, X. E., Kanani, A. Y., Gu, Z., Yang, J., Ye, J., & Hou, X.* (2022). Estimating microscale DE parameters of brittle adhesive joints using genetic expression programming. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 118, 103230.

[9] Gu, Z., Hou, X.*, Saafi, M., & Ye, J. (2022). A Novel Self‐Updating Design Method for Complex 3D Structures Using Combined Convolutional Neuron and Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(6), 2100186.

[10] Amaechi, C. V.*, Chesterton, C., Butler, H. O., Gu, Z., & Odijie, A. C. (2022). Numerical modelling on the local design of a Marine Bonded Composite Hose (MBCH) and its helix reinforcement. Journal of Composites Science, 6(3), 79. 

[11] Singh, A., Gu, Z., Hou, X., Liu, Y.*, & Hughes, D. J. (2022). Design optimisation of braided composite beams for lightweight rail structures using machine learning methods. Composite Structures, 282, 115107. SCI一区TOP期刊

[12] Gu, Z., Hou, X., & Ye, J. (2021). Advanced static and dynamic analysis method for helical springs of non-linear geometries. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 513, 116414. SCI二区TOP期刊

[13] Gu, Z., Hou, X.*, & Ye, J. (2021). Design and analysis method of nonlinear helical springs using a combining technique: Finite element analysis, constrained Latin hypercube sampling and genetic programming. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 235(22), 5917-5930.

[14] Gu, Z., Liu, Y., Hughes, D. J., Ye, J., & Hou, X.* (2021). A parametric study of adhesive bonded joints with composite material using black-box and grey-box machine learning methods: Deep neuron networks and genetic programming. Composites Part B: Engineering, 217, 108894. SCI一区TOP期刊

[15] Liu, Y., Gu, Z., Hughes, D. J., Ye, J., & Hou, X.* (2021). Understanding mixed mode ratio of adhesively bonded joints using genetic programming (GP). Composite Structures, 258, 113389. SCI一区TOP期刊

[16] Huang, Z., Deng, W., Du, S., Gu, Z., Long, W., & Ye, J.* (2021). Effect of rubber particles and fibers on the dynamic compressive behavior of novel ultra-lightweight cement composites: Numerical simulations and metamodeling. Composite Structures, 258, 113210. SCI一区TOP期刊

[17] Gu, Z., Hou, X.*, Keating, E., & Ye, J. (2020). Non-linear finite element model for dynamic analysis of high-speed valve train and coil collisions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 173, 105476. SCI一区TOP期刊


[1] 青岛市力学学会理事

[2] 国际智能建造与制造国际学会(SCP)委员(拟聘青年编委)


[1] 山东省优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),点阵复合材料胶接(No. 2024HWYQ-049),2024-2027年,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,双螺旋结构的高效减振机理及反哺式优化研究(No. 12402109),2025-2028年,主持

[3] 自主创新科研计划项目(理工科)青年基金,复杂三维结构的非线性力学仿真方法研究(No. 23CX06014A),2023-2025年,主持

[4] 自主创新科研计划项目(理工科)强基专项,石墨烯增强固井水泥浆多尺度力学行为及机理研究(No. 24CX03014A),2024-2026年,骨干

[5] 企业横向课题,挖掘机覆盖件振动研究项目(No. HX20240396),2025-2028年,骨干

[6] 企业横向课题,济阳坳陷重点区块干热岩热储建模与取热开发模拟研究技术服务合同(No. HX20240767),2024-2025年,参与

[7] 欧盟全球生态创新中心(CGE)研究项目, Static and Dynamic Analysis of Nonlinear Valve Springs Based on Finite Element Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithm, 2017年10月 - 2020年05月,主要研究负责人

[8]英国智能城市现场实验室项目,Kinetic Energy Recovery from Carriageways and Energy Storage in Roadside Battery Units, 2020年04月 - 2022年05月, 主要研究负责人


[1] 2020年,英国兰卡斯特大学工程研讨大会(Postgraduate Research Conference),三等奖

[2] 2021年,英国材料、矿产和采矿研究所(Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining,UK)机器学习研讨会(IOM3 machine learning Webninar), 特邀报告

