





Many diseases including cancerous diseases, cardiovascular disease and nerodegenerative diseases are highly correlated with the alteration of mechanical behavior of associated tissues. To this end, understanding the mechanical behavior of biological tissues is of great importance for us to find the causes of diseases and predict disease risks. In addition, with the advancement of biomedical imaging techniques, we are able to acquire highly accurate motion data of tissues and organs, making it possible to diagnose diseases in vivo via inverse approaches.

The presentation will primarily focus on the computational aspects of both the forward and inverse modeling of soft tissues. The proposed computational approaches in forward modeling have significantly improved the convergence of highly nonlinear problems in soft tissue mechanics.  Besides, novel inverse algorithms under the framework of finite element methods and its application to clinical medicine will also be discussed in this presentation.





(3)2013年8月至2017年8月毕业于Texas A & M University机械工程专业,获哲学博士学位,导师: Sevan Goenezen

(4)2017年7月至今在英国Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, Swansea University从事博士后研究。
